Imagine the icy embrace of glacial waters enveloping your body as you stand amidst the pristine beauty of one of Clayoquot Sound’s ponds, rivers and lakes.

The Glacial Immersion, one of Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge’s newest signature experiences, offers an opportunity to connect with nature in a way that invigorates both your body and mind. The experience itself was stemmed for the Clayoquot teams’ own cold water club, who regularly brave up and soak in the icy waters for the mental and physical heath benefits. Beyond the initial shock of the cold, this practice offers a myriad of positive health benefits, encompassing mental clarity, physical resilience, and spiritual well-being.

The Glacial Immersion isn’t just about the physical act of immersing yourself in cold water – it’s a holistic experience that realigns your spirit, mind and body. Here’s how: